Principles of a Unique Child
Posted on 12th May 2021 at 13:53
Each and every child is unique and special. Children and babies are constantly learning and can be resilient, capable, confident and self-assured.
At Wellies we recognise that:
- All children will develop and learn at different rates.
- Children learn to be independent and strong through positive relationships.
- Children learn and develop best in enabling environments.

Learning & Development
While children’s developmental pathways may differ slightly, it is normal for children to experience spurts and slow spots in different areas of their development throughout their young life. If your child is a little ahead or a little behind at a certain age - this is completely normal! Given the right nurturing and stimulation, most children will catch up in the end.
At Wellies we:
- Observe and understand each child’s development and learning, assess progress and plan for next steps.
- Support and develop a positive sense of own identity and culture.
- Identify any need for additional support for each child.
- Keep children safe.
- Equally value and respect all children and families.

Positive Relationships
Through positive and secure relationships, children learn to be strong, independent and secure. Loving and secure relationships with parents, carers and other close family members such as grandparents, help babies and children learn to be independent. When your child is looked after outside of the home, they can develop security and independence through having a key person to care for them.
Positive Relationships are:
- Warm, loving, and give a sense of belonging.
- Sensitive and responsive to the child’s needs, feelings and interests.
- Supportive of the child’s own efforts and independence.
- Consistently setting clear boundaries.
- Stimulating.
- Built on key person relationships.
Enabling Environments
In enabling environments, children develop and learn effectively where their experiences respond to their individual, unique needs.
Wellies consider not only the physical environment of indoors and outdoors when creating an enabling environment, but also the emotional environment your child is in, recognising the significance of parent-practitioner relationships and how safe and comfortable the children feel within the setting.
At Wellies we offer
- Stimulating resources, relevant to all the children’s cultures and communities.
- Rich learning opportunities through play and playful teaching.
- Support for children to explore.

Each child’s progress is individual to them. Observing the children at Wellies and seeing the diverse ways in which they develop and learn is one of the joys of working in early years!
Tagged as: Capable Child, Child Development, Confident Child, Principles Of A Unique Child, resilient child
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