
Any parent with children over the age of 4 years old will remember that time that comes far too quickly when maternity leave is over and it's time for your little one to start nursery. 
Managing these transition periods can be challenging and overwhelming at times. Starting nursery is a big change for both parents and child, it’s a change in routine with new things to learn. 
We have put together this handy blog to help you and your child prepare. 
Starting school in September can be an exciting and nerve-wracking time for both children and parents. The transition to a new environment, learning new rules and routines, and meeting new people can be difficult for kids. As parents, it is important to ensure that your child is prepared and ready to start the new school year off on the right foot. 
Spring is the season of renewal and rebirth; it literally puts a spring in our step! The feeling of the sun on our face and the smell of freshly cut grass, what are your favourite Spring sights, sounds and smells? 
Nowadays, the clocks going forward doesn’t really affect us as adults. Our phones and computers change automatically so we only need to change the clock on the mantelpiece after we realise that it’s an hour behind! However, your little one’s sleep routine can be totally messed up by losing an hour’s sleep. Here are 4 useful tips to make sure your child is affected as little as possible by the change on 26th March 2023. 
Spring is on it’s way, the weather is getting warmer and the flowers are blooming. If you want to make the most out the milder weather and the longer days then read on to find out what fun activities you can do with the children this Spring time. 
The New Year is a great opportunity to teach your children why and how it is celebrated, as well as teaching them how to set goals and work towards them. 
Now is a good time to sit down with your children and reflect on the previous year. What were they proud of? What were their achievements? Best memory? What do they think they can improve on? From this, you can then help them set new year’s resolutions. This can teach children a lot about self-discipline. 
Below are some examples of traditions you can teach your children to help them understand New Year and some practical resolutions that they can easily achieve. 
Your children can enjoy learning through play with this Christmas with themed sensory activities. Create sensory fun with this list of easy and exciting Christmas sensory ideas. 
The clocks have gone back, the days are getting shorter, and winter is officially here. 
But how can we stay healthy when it’s getting colder and darker outside? 
Below are some tips for keeping healthy with the children this winter. 
A key part to a child’s development is learning about other people, where they live and the environment around them. In the EYFS, this is broken down into people and communities, the world, and technology. We’re going to be looking at ‘the world’ and giving you some fun activities that you can do with your little one to help develop their understanding of the world. 
Now that the summer holidays are over and evenings are starting to get darker and colder, you might be looking for more activities to do indoors with your little one. There is one activity that you can do time and time again in slightly different ways that never gets boring, helps your child learn lots of different things and is fun for everyone – baking! 
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