Fun Things To Help Your Child Learn About New Year
Posted on 13th January 2023 at 12:36
The New Year is a great opportunity to teach your children why and how it is celebrated, as well as teaching them how to set goals and work towards them.
Now is a good time to sit down with your children and reflect on the previous year. What were they proud of? What were their achievements? Best memory? What do they think they can improve on? From this, you can then help them set new year’s resolutions. This can teach children a lot about self-discipline.

Below are some examples of traditions you can teach your children to help them understand New Year and some practical resolutions that they can easily achieve.
New Years Traditions Around The World
UK – Why we sing Auld Lang Syne at 12am
“Auld Lang Syne” stands for “old long since” and means something similar to “times gone by.” It was originally a Scottish poem that was later created into a song. Auld Lang Syne is a very popular song and it is sung to bid farewell to the old year at the stroke of midnight on New Year's Eve.

Spain - Eat Twelve Grapes
In Spain, it is tradition to eat twelve grapes, one at each stroke of the clock at midnight. Each grape represents good luck for every month of the New Year.
Denmark - Throwing Old Plates and Glasses
Throwing old plates and glasses on family and friends doors to banish bad spirits is a tradition in Denmark to greet the New Year. They also jump off chairs into January at midnight in the hopes of good luck.
Greece - Hanging An Onion On Your Front Door
In Greece, residents hang an onion on their front door on New Years Eve. This is a symbol of rebirth in the New Year. On New Years Day, parents will wake their children up by tapping the onion on their head.
United States - Watching The Ball Drop
Many people in the USA gather in Times Square or around their television to watch the New Year’s Eve Ball ball drop.
Colombia - Putting Three Potatoes Under Your Bed
In Colombia there is a tradition called agüero, which means putting three potatoes under each family members bed. One should be peeled; one should be unpeeled and the last one should be partially peeled. At midnight, everyone picks a potato with their eyes closed and depending on which potato they have chosen, they can expect a year of good fortune, financial struggle, or a mix of both.

New Years Resolutions
● I will eat more vegetables with my dinner - this encourages your children to be healthy
● I will read a story every night - this will help improve your children’s reading and education
● I will brush and floss my teeth twice a day - this promotes healthy teeth
● I will tidy up my toys and put them back where they belong - this encourages responsibility
● I will be friendly to other children - this helps your child learn compassion
● I will use my words to express my feelings - this helps your child learn trust and communication
● I will share my toys - sharing teaches your child compromise and fairness.
● I will always say please and thank you - this teaches your child how to use their manners
This blog was designed to help educate children about New Years and how they can advance over the next year. We’d love to hear what you have tried!
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