Get Out and Experience the World!
Posted on 15th November 2021 at 20:06
This time of year is an excellent opportunity for your little one to develop an understanding of the natural world. Here are some fun things to do with them as we head towards winter.

Whether the weather be fine,
Or whether the weather be not,
Whether the weather be cold,
Or whether the weather be hot,
We'll weather the weather
Whatever the weather,
Whether we like it or not!
Most people hate this time of year as the days are getting shorter, the temperature is dropping and we have to start scraping ice off our cars in the morning! However, this time of year is an excellent opportunity for your little one to develop an understanding of the natural world. Here are some fun things to do with them as we head towards winter.
Looking up at the night sky will give your child the opportunity to see stars, the moon and perhaps even satellites and other planets if the timing is right! As the days draw shorter, we can do this earlier which means you don’t have to keep them up past bedtime. Ask them how many stars they can see and how far away they are. When you see the moon, ask them what they think it’s made of and if they’d like to visit. Remember to make sure your child is visible in the dark for their safety.

Dancing in the Rain
If you’re well prepared, dancing in the rain can be so much fun. Make sure your little one has some wellies and a puddle suit before letting them splash around. Ask them what it feels like to be in the rain. It’s also a metaphor used to mean a person has learned not to allow things to stop them reaching their full potential. They don't wait for bad things in their life to go away. If they don’t let a bit of rain spoil their fun, hopefully they won’t sweat the small things when they get older.

Sunrise and Sunset
The change in season doesn’t just mean that we can experience sunshine, wind and rain all in one day. It also means that you get the opportunity to watch the sunrise and sunset with your child. Ask them where they think the sun goes when it sets. You can also track the sun throughout the day by getting them to draw around the shadow of their favourite toy every hour.
By carrying out activities like these, your child will be meeting the “enabling children to explore, discover and participate in a natural phenomenon” section of the EYFS which helps them grasp a better understanding of the world around them. Don’t forget to let us know what you’ve been up to with your little one!
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