Learning Through Numbers
Posted on 10th May 2019 at 14:50
Your child sees you use numbers every single day in various different ways from dividing up strawberries onto separate plates for snack time to adding up money from your purse, but how can you help them develop their numeracy skills?
Numbers can provide a lot of entertainment for small children. They first become aware of the sounds of numbers and then they begin to understand what they mean. Finally, they need to recognise them when they are written down.
All parents and teachers know, to teach toddlers numbers is not always as easy as 1, 2, 3. Being creative is essential in making sure your little ones are having fun while learning. Using a variety of visual, auditory, physical, and interactive activities is the best way to make sure your child doesn’t get too frustrated and enjoys learning.
Ideas to help your child with numbers:
Point out numbers around the house or while out and about. Phones, clocks, calendars, houses, buses, car plates are all around you, so give your child positive attention when they point out a number. First, they’ll recognise that it is a number, then gradually they’ll learn what number it is, then later you’ll be able to encourage them to see sequences or read numbers together.
Talk through basic, everyday number problems. When cooking, you can count the eggs, amount of sugar, tablespoons of water, and so on. Or when sharing out snacks with friends, your child can make sure everyone has the same amount. Get your child to help set the table by counting out the cutlery. All children love to help!
If your child enjoys role play, use a toy or old phone to ‘call’ friends or family, the doctor, or order a pizza. Write numbers in a ‘phone book.’
For the more active child, draw large numbers on card or paper plates and jump on a number and say its name. Put numbers in order then turn one over to guess the missing number. Number cards could also be pegged on a washing line. Label some boxes with numbers and throw beanbags or balls in for points.
Play classic games that involve counting such as ‘What time is it Mr. Wolf?’, hopscotch, or snakes and ladders. Number lotto or snap are good games for learning basic addition and subtraction equations.
Singing rhymes with numbers - like Baa Baa Black Sheep, 5 Little Ducks, One, Two, Three, Four,Five once I caught a fish alive and Hickory Dickory Dock.
Learning is important, but so is having fun, so make sure you and your child have an enjoyable learning experience with numbers!
Tagged as: Child Development, childcare buckinghamshire, Learning Through Numbers, Quality childcare Olney
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