Why We Love Playtime Outdoors
Posted on 16th June 2017 at 11:03
Although it’s great to spend more time outdoors with your family and children, especially with summer being nearly in full swing, whether its rain, sleet, snow or shine, we believe that you should spend as much time outdoors purely for the benefit of your children.
Read on to discover some of the reasons why we prioritise being outdoors so much and why you should too!
Hopefully these benefits will give you an insight into why we like to often prioritise your child’s learning to include the outdoors, why the location of our nursery is where it is and why we encourage the children to explore, play and immerse themselves in nature and its surroundings as much as possible!
Benefits Of Outdoor Play:
Being out in the fresh air with all the insects, birds, plants and trees helps children learn from an early age to understand, explore and respect the environment around them.
With more and more children spending the majority of their time indoors, they are surrounded by a range of technological devices that constantly bombard them, which can lead to increased stress and irritability in young children. Encouraging them to play outdoor can dramatically reduce this stress resulting in healthier and happier children!