
What your child eats today can have an impact on them through childhood, adolescence and adulthood so it’s important that you do all you can to make sure they eat the right things. 
Off the back of the summer holidays, we’ve all indulged in an ice cream or two and some sugary drinks here and there and there’s nothing wrong with that. However, now’s the time to focus on your child getting the necessary nutrients for physical and mental growth and development. We know it can be a real pain getting children to eat their vegetables so we’re going to share some tips on how to work with your child to get them eating well. 
Quality sleep is absolutely essential for your child’s growth and development! Sleep is a very important part of your child’s mental and physical health as it allows their mind and body to recover and rest.  
There are lots of things you can do to help your child get a good night’s sleep as often as possible. 
Wellies have got you covered with family friendly activities for the Summer! 
Summer is one of the best times for outdoor activities! Take your crafts and play outside and enjoy this great collection of summer activities for your young children. 
Starting primary school is an exciting time, but we understand it can be daunting for you and your child. It marks the end of one chapter and the start of an exciting new one. Before you know it, your child will be making friends, learning new skills, and becoming increasingly independent, all in the blink of an eye! 
Each and every child is unique and special. Children and babies are constantly learning and can be resilient, capable, confident and self-assured. 
At Wellies we recognise that: 
- All children will develop and learn at different rates. 
- Children learn to be independent and strong through positive relationships. 
- Children learn and develop best in enabling environments. 
"It's not about being good at something. It's about being good to yourself." 
Over the past decade there has been a huge increase in children and parents taking up yoga. Many, many people are seeing first-hand how yoga benefits children and adults alike. Doctors and nurses, even mental health professionals, neurologists, teachers and the Government are beginning to recognise how yoga benefits children’s mental health and physical wellbeing. 
"Old MacDonald had a virtual farm, Ee I ee I oh! And on that farm, he had some lambs! ....." 
March is a busy but joyous month to celebrate for many reasons! Apart from being the start of the Spring season, March is also known as the month of new beginnings, and now with the added promise of leaving lockdown firmly behind, we can start to see a shift back to normality as we once knew it hard on our ‘woolly tails!’ 
The promise of spring arrival is enough to get anyone through the bitter winter’ – 
Jen Selinsky 
As we are making headway towards the finishing line to the end of lockdown, now is the time to put a ‘spring’ in your step and bounce back from the restrictions that the Coronavirus pandemic has imposed on us for so long – the light is undoubtedly shining brightly at the end of the tunnel! 
As we are once again enduring a national lockdown, its time to ‘face the music and dance’ – with the little ones in the living room, kitchen or indeed in the garden! We are certainly not going anywhere anytime soon, so let’s get creative, imaginative, and let’s battle through lockdown with a smile from our fabulous cushion forts in the comfort of our living rooms! 
Christmas does indeed come but once a year, and this year we will certainly see a different Yuletide. But rest assured, Santa will still be stopping by each home this Christmas Eve - but socially distanced of course! 
So how will you be celebrating your Christmas this 2020? 
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